Volunteering at Saron
Volunteering is a sure way to become involved in the life of the congregation. It is a way to meet and get to know other members while offering your own gifts of time and talent for the work of the church. Many sign-up sheets are available on the bulletin board in the Social Hall while other activities are coordinated by committees or the church office.
Alter Guild
The Altar Guild consists of volunteers from the congregation who prepare the sacraments (Communion and Baptism), take care of worship appointments and paraments, and oversee the sanctuary and worship furnishings.
Assisting Ministers
Assisting Ministers are trained lay persons who assist the pastor in leading worship (speak with the pastor or the Worship Committee if you are interested).
Lighting candles for the worship service.
The Choir consists of volunteers from the congregation. They meet for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and sing at the late Sunday Worship Service. There is no choir during the summer months, but members are asked to provide special music for these weeks.
Flowers are needed for worship (purchased or garden grown). Vase liners and wooden stands for transportation are provided. If the flowers are a memorial or symbol for a special occasion, please call the church secretary by Tuesday morning for mention in the bulletin.
Greeters arrive fifteen (15) minutes before worship to welcome the congregation as they gather for worship.
Head Ushers
Head Ushers arrive thirty (30) minutes ahead of worship to prepare for the service, turn on the sound equipment, pass out bulletins and arrange for three others to help during the offering. Ushers also direct the congregation during the reception of communion and other processions that may occur.
Lectors read appointed lessons during worship.
Refreshments add to our Social Hour. You may prepare and serve Coffee (which is provided) — brewing time is one hour; or you may provide and serve Cookies (or other snacks) — you may choose to share this task as 10-12 dozen cookies are needed. Servers also clean the kitchen after the social time.
Service Committee
A Service Committee provides luncheons after funerals.
Sunday School Teachers
Sunday School Teachers receive materials for preparation of each lesson. Some co-teach to lighten the responsibility.
Volunteering is a sure way to become involved in the life of the congregation. It is a way to meet and get to know other members while offering your own gifts of time and talent for the work of the church. Many sign-up sheets are available on the bulletin board in the Social Hall while other activities are coordinated by committees or the church office.
Alter Guild
The Altar Guild consists of volunteers from the congregation who prepare the sacraments (Communion and Baptism), take care of worship appointments and paraments, and oversee the sanctuary and worship furnishings.
Assisting Ministers
Assisting Ministers are trained lay persons who assist the pastor in leading worship (speak with the pastor or the Worship Committee if you are interested).
Lighting candles for the worship service.
The Choir consists of volunteers from the congregation. They meet for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and sing at the late Sunday Worship Service. There is no choir during the summer months, but members are asked to provide special music for these weeks.
Flowers are needed for worship (purchased or garden grown). Vase liners and wooden stands for transportation are provided. If the flowers are a memorial or symbol for a special occasion, please call the church secretary by Tuesday morning for mention in the bulletin.
Greeters arrive fifteen (15) minutes before worship to welcome the congregation as they gather for worship.
Head Ushers
Head Ushers arrive thirty (30) minutes ahead of worship to prepare for the service, turn on the sound equipment, pass out bulletins and arrange for three others to help during the offering. Ushers also direct the congregation during the reception of communion and other processions that may occur.
Lectors read appointed lessons during worship.
Refreshments add to our Social Hour. You may prepare and serve Coffee (which is provided) — brewing time is one hour; or you may provide and serve Cookies (or other snacks) — you may choose to share this task as 10-12 dozen cookies are needed. Servers also clean the kitchen after the social time.
Service Committee
A Service Committee provides luncheons after funerals.
Sunday School Teachers
Sunday School Teachers receive materials for preparation of each lesson. Some co-teach to lighten the responsibility.